Now that you know how to program, share your message with the world.

We help you find a job as a developer in the tech industry.

of students employed within 180 days of completing
Average salary of the first job
millions of new tech jobs by 2030

At Codenotch, we accompany you throughout your training and your integration into the job market. In addition to nurturing our educational approach, we also offer talent support and professional assistance to strengthen your profile and help you tackle job interviews and employment opportunities through various methodologies and simulations. These will prepare you to confidently navigate your future career in the tech sector.

Build your personal brand

We teach you how to shine! We teach you how to develop a strong personal brand that reflects your abilities, as it is key in today's job market. In these workshops, we provide you with the tips you need to know about LinkedIn and help you learn the most in-demand soft skills in the industry. Having a Ferrari is of no use if you don't know how to drive it 😉.

Job search tools

Explore in-depth the key tools for active job searching and gain a significant competitive advantage. You will be guided for two weeks by our Success team, composed of HR professionals experienced in talent acquisition for digital companies. With them, you will learn how to refine your LinkedIn profile, make the most of GitHub, and communicate your strengths through an innovative differentiator: the video CV. These strategies are essential to stand out among other candidates and ensure that companies not only find you but also want to get to know you. Get ready to grab their attention!

Align your strategy with your professional objectives

Design your job search strategy in a personalized manner, aligned with your professional goals. Here, we provide you with the essential tools to highlight your skills and objectives in the job market. You will create a step-by-step plan to find the ideal job. From identifying your strengths to building an impactful online presence, we will help you simplify the process and move closer to your professional goals.

Interview Preparation (Role Playing)

Your interview preparation is another key element to quickly secure quality employment. You will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired and put it into practice in preparing for real interviews, thereby overcoming the selection processes of any company. We prepare you to demonstrate that you are ready: showcase your ability to enter any real project to the world.

Job board

Once you work on your personal brand and job search strategy, you will become part of our job board, which consists of two parts: a) On one hand, there are job offers from collaborating companies directed to us directly. b) On the other hand, there are offers from companies that our Success team finds on the internet and brings to your attention.

Talent Week - Our Talent Congress for you to engage in the best networking

Our team is always active. We invite you to various workshops, masterclasses, and technological debates so you can access technology communities and expand your network with companies and professionals in the sector.

Other Career Services Included


We won't leave you alone! We will monitor your situation and stay in continuous communication to help you with tutoring. Additionally, you can always attend our mentoring sessions to review your case and create a completely personalized action plan. Mentoring, para revisar tu caso y trazar un plan de acción totalmente personalizado.

Job Offers In House

We will always share valuable information with you, such as exclusive job offers from our partner companies, through our channels and our community. 

Start your Bootcamp at Codenotch